A Strategic Approach to Conducting Business Interviews Remotely

In this article, we share several approaches that businesses can take to effectively conduct business interviews remotely and get more value out of their recruitment efforts.

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In today's modern digital landscape, remote work has become the new norm for many businesses. As a result, the traditional face-to-face interview process has been replaced with virtual interviews. While this shift has brought numerous benefits, such as reduced costs and increased flexibility, it also presents unique challenges requiring an innovative approach to evaluate candidates effectively.

Organisations should employ a strategic approach to ensure that remote interviews are conducted efficiently and accurately. Thankfully, there are several approaches that businesses can take to effectively conduct business interviews remotely and get more value out of their recruitment efforts.

1. Identify the Right Interview Platform

To ensure a successful remote interview, selecting the right platform is critical. Many video conferencing tools, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet, are readily available, each with distinct features and capacities.

When determining which platform to use, it is crucial to factor in traits like accessibility, compatibility with various devices, and additional functionalities, including screen-sharing, recording, and virtual backgrounds.

Additionally, pay attention to the platform's security features, which can be particularly important when discussing sensitive company information or handling personal candidate data. Look for end-to-end encryption, password protection, and other security measures that help safeguard your organisation's data.

A reliable and user-friendly platform will help ensure a smooth and professional interview experience for the interviewer and the candidate. It's also worth considering whether your chosen platform offers any integrations with other tools your team may already be using, such as applicant tracking systems or calendar applications, to streamline the recruitment process further.

2. Provide Clear and Concise Instructions

Efficient communication is crucial when conducting remote interviews. Before the interview, provide the candidate with clear and concise instructions about the platform used, any necessary software downloads, and troubleshooting potential technical issues. This will help reduce the likelihood of technical difficulties during the interview and allow for a smoother process overall.

Confirming that the prospective candidate has accurate contact details and appropriate login credentials before initiating the virtual interview is imperative to prevent any untimely disorientation or impediments.

Alternatively, arranging a trial invitation or a brief practice call with the applicant is advisable to ascertain their familiarity with the technological platform and the correct functioning of their audio-visual equipment. This precautionary measure can mitigate the occurrence of any technical glitches on the day of the interview.

3. Share the Agenda in Advance

To aid candidates in their interview preparation, sharing the agenda ahead of time is highly recommended. This agenda should consist of pertinent details such as the interview format, the respective names and roles of the interviewers, the topics to be covered, and the anticipated interview length.

By providing this essential information beforehand, candidates can familiarise themselves with the interview structure, conduct thorough research on the interviewers' backgrounds, and accurately discern the primary discussion points.

Sharing the agenda beforehand demonstrates professionalism and allows the candidate to come prepared with relevant examples and questions, ultimately leading to a more productive and insightful interview.

Additionally, giving candidates an idea of the expected interview duration helps them manage their time effectively and reduces the likelihood of scheduling conflicts.

4. Maintain a Professional Environment

When conducting remote interviews, it's essential to maintain a professional environment that mirrors the in-person interview experience as closely as possible. Selecting a quiet location is one of the first steps to ensuring professionalism during your remote interviews. This could be a dedicated home office or a quiet room with a closed door where you can minimise background noise and distractions.

Another vital aspect is optimising your lighting and camera setup. Ensure your webcam is positioned at eye level and that you have proper lighting to ensure you are clearly visible to the candidate. Just as in an in-person interview, dress in appropriate business attire to convey professionalism and respect for the candidate.

Before the interview, take some time to test your video conferencing platform, audio, and internet connection to avoid technical difficulties during the interview. Additionally, inform family members or roommates about the scheduled interview time to prevent unexpected disruptions.

5. Incorporate Questions Tailored to Remote Work

In light of the different obstacles and provisions in remote work arrangements, it is crucial to incorporate questions customised for remote work during the interview process. These questions can assist in assessing a potential candidate's capability to work autonomously, proficiently manage their time, interact with colleagues, and acclimate to contemporary technologies.

Examples of remote-specific questions include:

• How do you stay organised and manage your time while working remotely?
• Can you provide an example of a situation where you had to collaborate with a remote team? What strategies did you use to ensure effective communication?
• How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance when working from home?
• What tools or technologies have you found most useful for remote work?

By addressing these topics during the interview, businesses can gain valuable insight into candidates' suitability for remote work and make more informed hiring decisions.

6. Define Remote Team Requirements

One of the most critical steps in the remote interview process is clearly defining the requirements and expectations for remote team members. This involves identifying the specific skills, qualities, and experience needed for a candidate to succeed in a remote work environment. Some of these attributes may include:

• Strong Communication Skills: To avoid misunderstandings and keep projects on track, candidates must communicate their thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively in written and verbal formats.
• Time Management and Organisation: It is essential for remote employees to effectively manage their time, prioritise tasks, and meet deadlines to accomplish their goals.
• Self-Motivation and Discipline: To be productive while working from home, you need to stay focused and motivated, even without constant supervision.
• Adaptability and Problem-Solving: When remote workers encounter challenges or changes in their work environment, they need to be adaptable and able to find solutions.

By clearly defining the remote team requirements before conducting interviews, you can ensure that your questions and assessments are tailored to identify candidates with the necessary skills and attributes for success in a remote work setting.

7. Promote Interactive Discussions

When conducting remote interviews, it is pivotal to establish a setting that cultivates open communication and sparks a mutual connection between the interviewer and the interviewee. A practical approach to achieving this goal is posing open-ended questions that give candidates the platform to vocalise their experiences, thoughts, and viewpoints. These inquiries help bypass typical "yes" or "no" responses and often create more eye-opening dialogues.

Additionally, actively listening and engaging with the candidate shows genuine interest in their responses. Taking notes and asking follow-up questions can help gain deeper insights into their skills, experience, and fit for the role.

It's also essential to allocate time during the interview for the candidate to ask questions about the company, team, and position. This demonstrates that you value their input and fosters a sense of mutual respect and collaboration.

By promoting interactive discussions during remote interviews, you can create a more engaging and meaningful conversation—allowing both parties to understand each other better and determine whether the candidate and the organisation are a strong fit.

8. Give Timely Feedback

Providing timely feedback after a remote interview is crucial for maintaining a positive candidate experience and demonstrating your organisation's professionalism and commitment to effective communication. When giving feedback, it's important to be prompt.

Aim to provide feedback within a reasonable timeframe, typically within a week of the interview. This shows respect for the candidate's time and effort and helps maintain their interest in the opportunity.

When offering constructive feedback, highlight the candidate's strengths and areas for improvement. This can help them understand their performance during the interview and identify areas where they can grow and develop.

If a candidate is not selected for the role, be transparent and provide honest feedback about the reasons for this decision. This can help them better understand the outcome and improve their chances of success in future interviews.

9. Leverage Gift Cards to Express Thanks and Leave a Lasting Impression

A thoughtful gesture can leave a lasting impression on potential candidates and set your organisation apart from the competition. One way to achieve this is by offering a small token of appreciation, such as a gift card, after the interview.

Here are some ideas on how to leverage gift cards effectively:

• Choose a Relevant Gift Card: Opt for a gift card that aligns with the candidate's interests or needs. This is a great way to say thank you, including for work anniversary gifts. For example, a coffee shop gift card might be appreciated by someone who enjoys working from cafes but a subscription to a productivity app may be better for candidates passionate about staying organised.
• Personalise the Message: Include a personalised, handwritten note or email expressing your appreciation for the candidate's time and effort during the interview. This adds a personal touch and shows that you value their contribution.
• Send the Gift Card Promptly: Ensure that the gift card is sent shortly after the interview to maintain a sense of timeliness and relevance.

Purchasing gift cards for employees isn’t the only way they can be used. Offering a small token of appreciation to potential job candidates leaves a lasting impression on the individual and reflects positively on your organisation's culture and values, potentially increasing the likelihood of attracting top talent.

Start Conducting More Effective Interviews With Remote Candidates

The success of remote interviews hinges on a well-structured and thoughtful approach. Emphasise professionalism, foster open communication, tailor questions to assess remote work capabilities, establish clear expectations for remote team members, and express gratitude with gestures like gift cards to leave a lasting impression.

By implementing these strategies in your remote interview process, you can effectively evaluate candidates and make informed hiring decisions that contribute to your organisation's and its remote workforce's long-term success and growth.

Author Bio

Cindy is passionate about the incentive industry. In addition to her role as Vice President of Strategic Partners here at Tango, she is a Certified Professional of Incentive Management who proudly serves on two industry boards. When she’s not working, Cindy enjoys spending time with her family—including three cats, two dogs, and a horse—and sharing her love of nature as a Nebraska Master Naturalist.

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